Exchange Rate from Chilean Pesos (CLP) to US Dollars (USD)
If you are looking for the most convenient currency exchange in Chile, then, you just found it! AfexAV offers more than 20 different currencies pfor you to meet all your requirements. With the exchange of Chilean currency to US Dollar, pay to your vendors in USA, and much more.

Move your money based on the best exchange rates offered by AFEX AV

We are specialists in transforming the Chilean Peso to US Dollar, so you do not have anything to worry about. Leave it on our hands! AfexAV covers currency exchange in Chile and all your needs of payment. Our exchange from Chilean Peso to US Dollar is the most convenient of the market and operates through international bank transfers to USA with a 100% reliable and efficient service.
Convert Chilean Peso to US Dollar without additional commissions.
Finances can actually be transparent. AfexAV charges low transfer rates, offers fixed commissions, provides convenient currency exchange rates, delivers 100% of the money sent, provides the fastest service of the market with an average transaction time of 3 hours, and ensures the completion of the transfer in less than 24 hours. It also has an exclusive international service via SWIFT.
If you decide to make an international money transfer to USA, with us, you can save much more money and buy more dollars in Chile. We propose to you a personalized service with the best prices in the market. Here!
Advantages of choosing AfexAV for International Transfers in US Dollars
The advantages of choosing AfexAV for transfers in US Dollars are:
We offer the best rates for currency exchange.
No one else in the market operates with our available currencies.
We accredit the money in less than 24 hours.
We send the payment directly into the destination currency, instead of doing double conversion, so it is more convenient.
How do International Payments in US Dollars work?
International payments in US dollars are carried out through a complete service that works in the best way with AfexAV, since we work in a responsible and transparent way. We care about our clients and their vendors for agreements to be successful.
What other currencies
do we work with?
Aside from the exchange rate in US dollar, we have more than 20 different currencies available for transactions to any country you need. We invite you to find out more about our foreign currencies:
Frequently Asked Questions about converting Chilean Pesos to US Dollars
When to buy US Dollars in Chile?
The ideal moment to buy US Dollars in Chile is when you need it. We work with simple, but complete operations that meet all your needs regarding currency exchange from Chile to abroad with convenient prices always.
What are the requirements for buying US Dollars in Chile?
For buying American Dollars in Chile, you only have to be registered with us. This way your requirements may be performed from our money market and through your assigned executive. Our services are fast, efficient and transparent, so you shall not have any problem.
Where is it convenient to buy US Dollars in Chile?
The most convenient place to buy US Dollars in Chile is in AfexAV, mainly because we ensure all the services we provide to be 100% personalized.
Where is it convenient to buy American Dollars in Chile?
The most convenient place to buy dollars in Chile is in AfexAV, especially because you will be relying on a service with transparent and effective principles, which takes care of your interests.